- DIVORCE ISSUE AFFIRMED. Talmalmo grazier, Walter Stanley Day, gate evidence at Albury District Court before Judge F. W. Berne yesterday in connection with the suit by his mother, Mrs Ida Ellen Day, dressmaker. of Albury, for divorce from his father, Arthur Stanley Day, drover, on grounds of desertion. He said they had lived apart for 12 years, and four or five years ago his father told him he had no intention of living with his mother any more. At one time, Walter Day added, his father had worked for him for wages, and when it was suggested to him that he help Mrs Day with the money he said. "No. I want my own money." Petitioner said that years ago her husband had sold the Tumbarumba property on which they lived, and declined to set up another home, so she bought a house in Albury, but he refused to live in it with her. Since May, 1939, she had received no money from him. Judge Berne affirmed the issue of desertion. Mr R. R. Renowden. instructed by Mr C. Nagle, appeared for Mrs Day. The suit is not contested. [3]