- NSW Death Transcription 1917/13129 Sophia Jane Martha Smith died 17/9/1917 at the Royal North Shore Hospital, District of St.Leonards; late of Orlando Ave, Mossman. Occupation, old age pensioner, female age 65. Born South Creek, St.Marys, NSW. Father William Gambrill, mother, Ransley (given name not stated). Sophia married John Julian Smith at Windsor NSW age 19. Children of marriage Edith M. (beattie) 44, Amy (paterson) 43, Francis J. W. 41, Robert S. 39, Carlton 37, Ruby B.35, Hilton S. 33, Charles A. J. 31, Eva M. 29, Leila E. 26, living; none deceased. Informant, E.H Beattie, son-in-law, Orlando Avenue, Mosman. Cause of death Syncope, Coma (Arterio Sclerosis). Burial 20/9/1917 Methodist Cemetery, Gore Hill. Witnesses E.H.Beattie, Geo C. Johnson. Registered 18/9/1917, St.Leonards. [3]
- With regret we have to record the death of, Mrs. Sophia Jane Martha Smith, wife of Mr. J. J. Smith, which occurred at the Royal North Shore Hospital on the evening of September 17th. This lady was the daughter-in-law of the late Mrs. Robert Smith who died in Windsor in March last, at the age, 90 years, and who for the two years previous to her demise had been nursed devotedly by the subject of this notice. The late Mrs. Smith took ill two weeks before the old lady passed away, and though she recovered some six weeks or so later, her strength gradually failed, and in spite of all aid medical science could give, passed hence. The call to rest had come. A thorough Christian, with an unfailing brightness and goodness of character, her helpful words and acts will remain a precious memory to relatives and friends. Mr. G. C. Johnson, a one time resident of Windsor, and editor of the then 'Hawkesbury Chronicle,' at the graveside paid a tribute to the departed one of whom he said, 'She was a good woman,' to which he said nothing further could be added, for that phrase included all. The interment took place on the 20th inst., at the Methodist Cemetery, Gore Hill, the Rev. James Colweli officiating. A short service was first, conducted at the residence of the deceased lady's daughter, Mrs. Ernest H. Beattie, of Mosman, Amongst the relatives and friends present at the last sad rites were: Mr. John Julian Smith (husband), Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beattie (Mosman), Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Carlyle Smith (Oatley), Mrs. Ed. Patorson, Messrs. Robert and Carlton Smith and Leslie (Thirlmere), Mr. Arthur Smith (Merry lands), Misses Ruby, Muriel, and Leila Smith (Mosman), Mr. Frank Roantree (Sydney), Mrs. Janet Gambrill (Lower Hawkesbury), Mr. Richard Gambrill, Mr and Mrs George and Victor Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gambrill (Parramatta), Mr and Mrs John Holden, Mr. L. Holden, Mrs. W. Holden (Balmain), Mrs. Reid, Mr. Keith MacRae (Cremorne), Mrs. and the Misses Thompson (Chatswood), Mr. G. C. Johnson, Mrs. M. White, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Neville, Mrs. Cooper (Mosman), Mrs. and Miss Masters (Homebush), Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler (Roseville), Mr. O. Prior (representing Prior Bros., Sydney), Mr. Field, and others. Floral tributes were received from the following, as well as from those whose names have been already mentioned: ? Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Smith and Lionel and Hector (Wanganui, N.Z.), Mrs. O. L Steel (Cronulla), Miss Christie, Miss McMahon, Mrs. Fred. MacCauley (Mosman), Mrs. R. Cash (Thirlmere), and Stolt and Hoare, Ltd. The late Mrs. J. J. Smith's people, the Gambrills, and her husband's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, have been connected with the Windsor and St. Marys and Penrith districts since the year 1849, or earlier. The Gambrills came from Kent, Eng., and settled in St. Marys district Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, senr., arrived in away in 1901, in his 82nd year. His widow, Christiana Smith died in March of this year, aged 90. Both died in Windsor, where they had constantly resided. Mr. Robert Smith, senr., and Mr. Wm. Chas. Gambrill (a brother of the late Mr. Smith, and who died about 27 years ago), were both local preachers, and their names are known all down the Hawkesbury and Penrith way, especially in Methodist circles. The eldest son of the late Mrs. J. J. Smith, Francis J. W. Smith, (named after his uncle Francis Smith, who was accidentally drowned in South Creek, Windsor, about (50 years ago), is in the A.L. H., and leaves for the front at any moment. He was called from camp to his mother's dying-bed, and takes as a talisman with him a flower from her grave. The names mentioned above include many who have been associated with the Hawkesbury district for years, and their reading by old hands will stir up many memories. Mrs. Smith leaves a husband and two children to mourn their loss. [4]